ÔRKiD Chef Chat
Tabor Erskin
Golden, the hour and the song. We sit on a back porch in northern Minnesota as a cool summer breeze comes up over the lake. The record player he brought hums a riff or two into the the settling dust of dusk. Tabor Erskin stares up out into the darkness and states solemnly ‘this’ taking it all in, simpering. His demeanor of someone who’s already lived a lifetime, uncrossing his leg to get up from the rocking chair, ‘ I have to get up early.. to cook.
Tabor Erskin has been cooking since he began making bread at his grandmothers bakery in a small rural town in Michigan. Kneading, fold and a second he just like the doughs, proofed. This gave him a passion for cooking, a space to practice and learn at the young age fourteen.
He grew up in a large farming community outside of Carson City, Michigan. Working on a handful of farms de-tasseling corn or bailing hay Tabor has always had a close connection to mother earth, the supplier of food. It shows, in the way he handles food and cooks with it.
Starting in a pastry training program he took the dive and added the savory elements. While obtaining an associates degree from The Culinary Institute of Michigan he met numerous chefs that impacted him, finding new skills and gaining new found perspectives on cooking. He even won a few awards while being part of a culinary team in school yet he says ‘those are not very important... I like to stay humble and not reflect too much on past successes. you know I don’t like talking about myself in these terms’. Its understandable, we cook, we are of service and often us kitchen misfits don’t like that kind of complimentary attention no matter how good you are at what you do. Yet here at ÔRKiD we showcase talent.. even on a small scale, its a thank you of sorts. A thank you, to our tribe.
Tabor is just that. His career has led him to numerous local bakeries and also larger establishment working along side chefs at Hyannis Port Country Club, the Minnesouri Angling Club and is currently cooking at The Søvengard in Grand Rapids Michigan. He has delved deep into the world of food fermentation and pickling. Erskin values game meat above any other and we believe that may have to do with his families love of hunting deer in rural Michigan. Ambition is in his nature, having future plans to travel more often to find the fresh and new ways to cook with wild food, real food.
We like to always ask our ÔRKiD Chef Chats what their current food obsession is. Tabor with no doubt in mind states cauliflower which is in season right now! The obsession is almost a childhood nostalgia.. yet hearing his excitement over a batch of freshly homemade spicy giardiniera and plans to ferment or pickled the leaves and stems later on you can not deny his mania. Smiling at the humbleness of such a vegetable it represents him well. In a matter of fact way he mottos ‘ Although I’m not a chef, find what you love and enjoy it as much as you can. Yes, we agree some cauliflower and yoga never hurt no one.
As the season comes to an end and the sun is now gone. Loons yodel over the lakes surrounding us. He packs up his records into a milk crate and nods, yes I need to cook tomorrow.
This is Tabor Erskin.
Photography and Styling By